Monday, April 25, 2022

Interview date with former Amber Heard Assistant personal assistant Kate James

 Interview date with former Amber Heard Assistant

Kate James during the trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, testified at the actress' defamation trial on Thursday 2022-04-21.

Kate says Amber told her she took Mushrooms, Ecstacy and Cocaine.

The recording done 2022-02-18 with Kate James:

Kate does not speak of her former employee with love in her voice, on the contrary she thinks she was very poorly paid:

2.00 (Amber Heard SPAT IN THE FACE Of Her Personal Assistant)

 ”She paid me 25 dollars and hour to start off with. And she finally agreed after screaming abuse  to me that she would pay me 50 000 a year once I went to full time. And this was after me working for well over 10 years as a personal assistant. So it was very insulting to me but I did it anyway because I had grandfather in the ability to pick up my son from school and bring him to work with me at 3 a clock.”

Lawyer: ”All wasn't right in the relationship between her and Mr. Depp”

2.45 ”I don't recall exactly when it started but it was usually her complaining and crying due to I would say insecurities within the relationship more than anything else. She would be very very insecure a lot of the time. And she would call me up crying.

"I remember one time she called me when she was alone in New York City and she was crying walking around the street crying. And he wasn't there, she was alone. But I said she needed to go inside because I was worried that the paparazzi might take a photo of her and she was in a very dysregulated state. And so just out of kindness i i said to her it was better if she went inside rather than walking around crying in public. I remember that but i don't remember exactly when that was, it might have been 2012 or 2013.

As the job went on we called each other less and less and did mostly text messaging. It was all text messaging we did."

Lawyer: "Did you ever believe that mr mistreated her?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "Why not?"

Kate: "Just never any evidence of that at all. I was there almost daily in both her place and then eventually at his place in west hollywood and then ultimately at the lost downtown. It was a daily basis experience morning, noon, night all days of the week so you know I mean I never once saw any evidence of anything."

 Lawyer: "Did Miss her ever tell you that Johnny had hit her? Did she ever tell you that Johnny had pulled her hair or pushed her?"

Kate: "No."

Lawyer: "Let me ask you a little bit differently. You never believed Miss heard that mr. Depp had mistreated her, is that correct?

Kate: "At the time or after? I never believed.. in what context are you talking about during my employment or afterwards?"

Lawyer: "During"

Kate: "No never. And there was never any damage to the apartment that I witnessed there was never any aftermath of anything ever that I ever saw.

Lawyer: "Now you of course have no personal knowledge one way or the other whether um johnny was abusive to her correct?

Kate: "Well I don't know if that's necessarily true because if it was true I would have seen the damage even if I wasn't physically present in the moment of these alleged arguments."

 Lawyer: "And what's your basis for that statement?"

Kate: "Well if someone's being vicious there's generally physical evidence."

Lawyer: "So your testimony is that if there's was no physical evidence that you observed then it couldn't have happened, the domestic violence by Johnny toward Amber is that your testimony?"

Kate: "No."

----------  ---------

8.20 (Amber Heard SPAT IN THE FACE Of Her Personal Assistant)

Lawyer: "Did Miss Heard ever ask you to monitor press for her?"

Kate: "Yes"

Lawyer: "What specifically did she ask you to do?"

Kate: "I had a newsstand guy that was instructed to hold two couples of every magazine she appeared in. Was a newsstand on Sherbourne avenue just off la cienega and he would hold them for me and I would go there once a week to pick up whatever magazines Amber was featured in two copies of each which i would then store in her garage."

Lawyer: "Why would you store them in Miss Heard's garage?"

Kate: "Because she didn't want Mr. Depp to see them."

Lawyer: "Did she tell you why she didn't want Mr Depp to see them?"

Kate: "No she just got very angry with me one day because I hadn't quite made that. Made it downstairs to put them in the garage when she came home and she went absolutely ballistic over that."

Lawyer: "When you say she went absolutely ballistic over that, can you please describe what you mean?"

Kate: "Screaming yelling abuse"

Lawyer: "Do you remember what she said to you?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "But it was abusive in your opinion?"

Kate: "Blind rage."

Lawyer: "Over the three-year period in which you worked for Miss Heard were you ever with

Miss Heard when she was getting dressed or undressing?"

Kate: "All the time."

Lawyer: "How often were you present when Miss Heard was getting dressed?"

Kate: "Every time she was getting dressed for a fitting i was i would say 90 percent of the time I was there."

Lawyer: "And just to clarify was it just when miss heard was in fittings that you would see her in states of undress?"

Kate: "No it was it was also in her apartment. She had no issue with walking around naked quite often."

Lawyer: "And i believe you previously testified to this so I'm sorry for asking you again but while you worked for miss her did you ever see any types of injuries on her?"

Kate: "No."

Lawyer: "Did you ever see any cuts?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "Did you see bruises?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "Did you see swelling no redness in her face?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "How about miss heard having black eyes?"

Kate: "Never"

Lawyer: "Did you ever see ms heard cry?"

Kate: "Yes"

Lawyer: "How often did you see her cry?"

Kate: "Hard to put a number on it sometimes she would cry on the phone. I think at least

once or twice she might have cried on the phone. You know and then as far as seeing her personally crying you know she was a pretty dramatic person it's hard to really put a number on it." 



Lawyer: ""Did you ever witness Mr. Depp be rude to anyone?"

Kate: "He's such a gentleman he's like a total southern gentleman."

Lawyer: "Did you ever see Mr. Depp lose his cool?"

Kate: "No"

Lawyer: "Do you ever see him screaming anyone? Did you ever see him break something?"

Kate: "Only in a video." 

Lawyer: "In your presence did you ever see mr depp break something intentionally?"

Kate: "Never break anything, never throw anything always completely passive."

Jumping a big jump in the interview


Lawyer: "You said you felt that Miss Heard was verbally abusive to you, can you provide me with any specific examples of this behavior?"


Kate: "It was just so random and ongoing you would never know when it was going to come left or center. I do remember one occasion when we were moving from part to full time. And then the salary negotiations became a real loan of contention and I specifically remember standing in her office where she leapt up out of her chair put her face approximately

four inches from my face. She was spitting in my face and telling me how dare I ask for the salary I was asking for which was in fact approximately half of my regular annual salary. I was offering her that as a favor and she felt that gave her the right to spit in my face.

And there was a witness in the apartment at that time by the way.

Lawyer: Who was at the apartment at the time?"

Kate: "The handyman Hector Galindo."


Kate: "He was so mortified, he was so embarrassed to hear her speaking to me like that."

--------------  ---------

1.32.00 (Day3 Live)

Lawyer: ”Miss James, did you ever observe her drink alcohol?”

Kate: ”Yes I did.”

Lawyer: ”How often did you observe Miss Heard drink alcohol?”

Kate: ”Don’t recall”

Lawyer: ”What alcohol did you observe Ms Heard drink in your prescence?”

Kate: ”Red Wine”

Lawyer: ”Did Ms Heard ever appear intoxicated to you?”

Kate: ”Yes, she often did.”

Lawyer: ”While you work for Ms Heard were you aware what if any prescription drugs she was taking?”

Kate:  ”Yes, because I had to pick it up. And I often had to deliver it to her.”

1.34.00 (Day3 Live)

Lawyer: ”What prescription drugs do you remember picking up for Ms Heard.”

Kate:  ”Provigil.”

//Provigil improves wakefulness and decision making but does not make you any smarter. improves alertness, enhances thinking and perception, in addition to helping to keep people awake.

Modafinil (Provigil) was first approved by the FDA in 1998 to treat narcolepsy, and is also used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or shift work. //

Lawyer: ”Any other prescription drug you remember picking up for Ms Heard

Kate: ”Accutane”

// drug used in the treatment of acne //

Lawyer: ”Any others?

Kate: ”Not specificly”

Lawyer: ”To your knowledge, did Ms Heard ever stop taking Provigil or Accurane while you were working for her?”

Kate: ”No.”

Lawyer: ”Did Ms Heard tell you she was experiencing any side effects from Provigil?”

Kate: ”She didnt say it, but I observed it.”

Lawyer: ”Did Ms Heard tell you she was experiencing any side effects from Accutane?”

Kate: ”No”

20.15 (Amber Heard SPAT IN THE FACE Of Her Personal Assistant)

Lawyer" You previously testified that you observed miss Heard having certain side

effects from for Provigil, yes?"

Kate: "Yes."

Lawyer: "What side effects did you observe Miss Heard exhibiting?

Kate: "Manic episodes."

Lawyer: "Can you tell me what you mean by manic episodes."

Kate: "Similar to if someone was on some sort of amphetamine drug. Moving very fast, not making a lot of sense, hyper organizing, hypertasking. Just very, very hyper."

Lawyer: "Besides prescribed medication did you ever observe Ms Heard ingest any illicit drugs while you worked for her?"

Kate: "No

Lawyer: "Didn't Miss Heard ever tell you that she had ingested illegal drugs?"

Kate: "Yes."

Lawyer: "When did Miss Heard tell you that she had ingested illegal drugs?"

Kate: "Sporadically here and there."

Lawyer: "What drugs did miss her tell you she had ingested?"

Kate: "Mushrooms, ecstasy and cocaine."

Lawyer: "If you remember how many times did miss herd tell you that she had ingested

illegal drugs?"

Kate: "I can't remember."

Lawyer: "Based on your personal observations did it ever appear to you that ms heard was

under the influence of illegal drugs?"

Kate: "Yes."

Lawyer: "How many times?"

Kate: "I don't know."

Lawyer: "Less than five?"

Kate: "It's so long ago it's hard for me to remember."

Lawyer: "Why did it appear to you that misheard was under the influence of illegal drugs."

Kate: "Disoriented partying with friends lots of heavy drinking laughing dancing

playing all the sorts of things that go hand in hand with imbibing in drugs."

Lawyer: "Would miss herds treatment of you change when she was intoxicated?"

Kate: "Yes."

Lawyer: "How so?"

Kate: "She became more and more belligerent inclusive."

Kate stopped working for Ms Heard as her personal assistant in February of 2015. 

Ms Heard let Kate go upon her return from the Bahamas in February of 2015.


Day 3 april 12 Trial "Live".

Mr H Reviews [YouTube Channel], (apr. 2022), Amber Heard SPAT IN THE FACE Of Her Personal Assistant! ABUSE! Sings Johnny Depp's Praises. YouTube:

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