Sunday, April 24, 2022

Johnny Depp about his childhood and raising his own children

Johnny Depp about his late mother Betty Sue Palmer (born 1935)

Johnny had a pretty tough childhood, constantly moving around, couldn't settle the roots. Having an unpredictable mom, unstable. Being the new kid on the block. Not feeling inside but more of an outsider.

April 2022. In this trial with Johnny Depp where cameras are allowed in court we can follow him in his defamation case against his ex-wife Amber Heard. The lawyer asks him about his childhood.

My mom,, her feet’s were on fire. So we had to move constantly. So you were always the new kid. And that wasn’t ever particular pleasant.” - Johnny Depp

“My mother was quite unpredictable, she was very unpredictable. She had the ability to be as cruel as anyone could be. With all of us, that is to say my sister Christie and my brother Danni and my sister Debbie and also my father. Essentially she could become quite violent and she was quite cruel. There was physical abuse certainly. Which could be in the form of an ashtray being flung at you, hit you in the head or you get beat with a high heel shoe or a telephone or whatever is handy.

So in our house there was no... We were never exposed to any type of safety. Or security. The only thing that one could do really, was to try to stay out of the line of fire.

I started to be able to observe. I could start to see when she was about to head into a situation where she was going to be riled up, and somebody was going to get it.” – Johnny Depp


“There’s physical violence of course, there’s physical abuse. That was constant. That was just a constant you know. We were all somewhat shell-shocked. When she walk passed we sort of shield you self //Mr. Depp covers his head with his arm as a shield // because you didn’t know what was gonna happen. So there was this physical abuse which was a constant. There was quite a lot of verbal abuse. There was quite a lot of name callings. Bullying you know. Making fun of whatever defect one might have. My brother wore glasses so of course he was four eyes. And he had his teeth messed up in the front, so he was “bug tooth”. My sister Christi, this is such a hideous psychological play... My fathers parents were quite refined. My mother comes from eastern Kentucky which is where you grow up in shacks and hollers, you know. And my mother despised my father’s parents, and my grandmother's name was Violett. And every now and again you would here my mother just scream across the house. >>Come here Violett, get in here Violett<<. And Christi, my sister knew very well that that was a deep cog psychologically and emotionally. But we had to take it, I mean you just had to take the pain.” – Johnny Depp

Psychological pain worse than physical pain.

"I was born with a very strange, a very rare thing in my eye. The back of the lens is spherical normally. This eye isn't normal, //he points to his left eye// this eye I was born with a more conical lens so my brain never learned to see out of my left eye. And they noticed it when i was about three four that I had a lazy eye, a wandering eye. And she would call me cockeye, one eye any anything she could get to to demean, humiliate. I even had to wear, I had to wear an eye patch on my good eye to strengthen my bad eye so that it would cease to wander. It was exercising the muscles of the eye though the brain had never learned to see. So I still,, my vision on my left eye is,,I'm legally blind in my left eye.

So yeah the the the verbal abuse the psychological abuse was almost worse than the the then the the beatings because the beatings were just physical pain. And the physical pain you learn to deal with you learn to accept it you learn to deal with it.

But the psychological and emotional abuse that's what kind of tore us up I think." - Johnny Depp

When Johnnys father had enough of the madness and decided to leave Betty Sue she got in a dark place, depressed and swallowed a multitude of pills and tried to kill herself. Johnny saw her in this bad shape. His uncle and two paramedics managed to take her to the hospital and pump her stomage.
Johnny is 15 years old at the time and he's father said, >>You're the man now".

She survived.


"When she got out of the hospital she was a small firecracker of a woman. She was about five foot two, but when she got out of the hospital the depression was so deep she was down to like.. She lived on the couch and she weighed about 70 pounds. And all that imagery spun into my head at the time, "[. . .]" In my head at the time I thought that was a cowardly way for my father to have left and I was deeply upset by that. Until my father and I had a conversation years later, where I asked him >>What really happened, how did it happen?<< When I was older. //Johnny gets interrupted by the lawyer //

We don't get to know what really happened.

When Johnny and Vanessa gets their first child Johnny explains


"I knew exactly how to raise children. Which was the opposite of what they did, of what Betty Sue did. Never raise your voice in front of the children. Never screaming out the word "No" to them. I never wanted to tell my kids "No". I wanted to tell them that there were options, you don't have to stick the coat hanger in the electrical socket.

Saying no is an abrubt thing, but to talk to them and say >>If you understand the repercussions of somthing then you wont go there so maybe think about this as opposed to this. Give this some thought, you know. But that will clearly,, that could kill you<<. So I would ease them away from things of that nature with a more of of an conversation as opposed to a flat out >>don't you ever do that again!<<, and threats and things of that nature. I did not raise my children that way." - Johnny Depp


Mr H Reviews [YouTube Channel], (apr. 2022). Amber Heard Took Adavantage Of Johnny Depp's Childhood Trauma. YouTube:

Law&Crime Network [YouTube Channel], (apr. 2022). Johnny Depp Testifies Under Direct Exam - Part One (Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Trial). YouTube:

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